Sunday, July 26, 2009

Abiut planet cazmo

Hi guys!!
Planet cazmo is so cool please all of you try it it is cool.You can buy cool clothes look:

There are skateboards you can buy look:
You can buy pets it is cool there is 7 kinds of pets.They are:
1.Gregory demon
4.Hermit veebix
6.Razor Pony

You can buy Spaceships,Vehicles.
Also you have cool house you can buy house for you and decorate your house.
Play planet cazmo now:

Saturday, July 25, 2009

uchiha (zokyboy123) on Twitter

uchiha (zokyboy123) on Twitter


What's uo guys!!!!!
1.To go on top of the roof of the mall, go to the backside of the mall and click on the roof and you should be on top of the roof. FIXED Discovered by Soccer
2.To get money with out playing games, click on the various money trees located through out planet cazmo.
3. If you press the right arrow keyit starts up the game mini braken. FIXED4. If you press the left arrow key a small picture of the screen will go up in the top left corner of the screen FIXED5. Two houses glitch. Im sorry but i dont no how to do it. It happens randomly.
6. Ninja Skateboard game tip. Go really fast the whole time and keep pressing the a or z button and wait until it says bonus. If you do this right, you should have 36,000 points by the finish line.
7. Nubbing.Go to the neighborhood and go as far down as you can below the chat bar and you should be nubbing.
8. STAND IN A TREE. To stand in a tree click in the middle of the tree and you should be in it.
9. You can basicly get on the roof of most buildings including the post office the skate shop and the town hall.
10. Stand in a bush. Go to the left side of a bush click it and u should be sitting on the bush. Does not always work.
11. Stand on the wall of the theater. To stand on the wall of the theater go to the back side of it and click on the wall and u should be on the wall. works most times.
12. STAND ON THE TOP OF YOUR HOUSE. To stand on the top of your house go behind it and then click it and you should be on top of your house.
13. Log on to 2 differnt servers. To log on to 2 different servers log on to planet cazmo in one server, then open a tab and log into a different server. Fixed
14. NEW Nub Discovered By SOCCER. Go to the club and then with the skateboard go past the money tree and click the space that connects the club with the top of the screen.
15. TO GET UNDER THE TIME IN THR TOP RIGHT CORNER OF THE SCREEN Go to the club then go up to the top then right and then click the space under the time.
16. STAND COMPLETELY INSIDE OF THE FENCED FLOWERS IN THE NEIBORHOOD. To do this go to top of it and click inside of it and you should be inside. Discovered by Soccer
17. CHANGING YOUR CAZMO When u make an account and go to the create a cazmo screen, copy the link at the top and then login. If you did not like the way you made your cazmo, just paste it at the top and you can make it better. I think fixed
19. X Boardin tips Heres a tip. Go really fast and hold down a or z then when it gives you the points quickly press it and hold it again. Keep doing this but watch out for occasional obstacles, and jump over them. Keep doing this and you should have more than 1enough points to win by the finish line. Hope this tip helps.
20. WALK ON WALLS OF CLUB its fixed. :>
21. Phruxs Goalie Showdown tips Ok here are some tips. To score easily wait for the goalie to go to a certain side like the right or left, then stop the blue on the arrow at full power, and then aim it to the side the goalies not on.
22. Turn Part invisible and part green. To do this your computer has to be running fast and sometimes you will turn half invisible half green.
23. How to get into the secret room.To get to the secret room, you have to go to the town square. Then go to the building right next to the nonplaying character guy who says stuff over and over again. Then keep clicking where theres a small space. It may take a few tries so if i dosent work at first, keep trying!! Fixed PC wont let us go in any more
24.Walk on walls of robothouse/secret room To walk on the walls just click the walls and you should be on the walls. Fixed since we cant get into the room any more.
25. Double trade glitch To do the glitch, Click on 2 player cards very fast. If they both say yes all 3 of you should be in one trade.
26. Walk through objects To walk through objects, go up to an object and click rapidly on the other side of it and you should be walking through it. NOTE only other cazmos can see you do this.
27.Walk on walls of of club and GarageTo walk on the walls of the club or garage, click on the walls and while you are moving click the game icon on the chatbar and click ninja skateboarding. Then where it says the instructions, click exit and you should be on the walls. NOTE does not always work. May be fixed
28.Walk on walls of post office To walk on the walls of the Post Office, click the black boarder and you should be on the walls. May be fixed
29.Easy MoneyTo do this you need to use from 1 to 4 other planet cazmo accounts. Log in as your main account. Then tab and log in on another one. ( more if you want) Then what you do is you trade all of the money on that one to your main one.
30. Make 4 or more Cazmos YellowTo do this, Click first on one cazmo, hold down for a few seconds, and then drag it down. Keep doing this and you should have at least 3 cazmos yellow. Note: But make sure you don’t put your mouse back over a cazmo that you already made yellow. It does not always work so keep trying and you should get it. Heres a pic.
31. How to be Bald in Mini BreakinTo be bald in mini breakin, wear a hat then click and play the game and you should be bald in Mini Breakin. ( Its good funny pics)
32. How to make it look like your naked ( Good For Funny Pics) A might release this soon
33. Chat with a cazmo privatly To chat with a cazmo privatly, ask them to trade and if they say yes, start typing in the small chat bar in the trade.
34. Places to hideThe best place to hide, is behind the mall. You cant stand on the roof anymore, but you can not be seen. Another good place to hide is behind the theater. Another is behind the bodyshop. Finally, another good place is at your house. There are more, but i dont want to tell all of them.
35. Stay logged on to planet cazmo as long as you wantwith out the log back in thing coming up To stay logged on to planet cazmo as long as you want without the log back in sign comming up, Somebody has to ask to be your friend while you are away from the computer before it has been 10 minutes.
36. Stand on the alligators face at the lake To stand on the alligators face, just click his body or face and you should be on top of him. I think fixed
37. Stand on the alligators word bouble at the lake Tostand on the alligators word bouble, just click it and you should be standing on it. (Note 36 and 37 cheats were done it the sixth planet cazmo server.) Also you might be able to do it on other non playing characters. Fixed I think
38. Floatto float, wear the skate board and put your cursor/mouse over the skateboard for a few seconds, and you should be floating. NOTE This make take a few tries so dont give up Also if you move your mouse off of the skateboard, your not floating any more
39. New Invisible Cheat discovered by Soccer I will release this soon. For now it is in proclass cheats.
40. Newspaper Swf The link is………………….
41. Put the Ambassador symbol on your blogs sidebar1. Go to write a new post
2. click upload an image and then upload it
3. Insert it into the post
4. Instead of visual, click html
5. Copy all of the code you see
6. Go to widgets
7. Insert a new text widget
8. Paste the code into it.
You will now have the ambassador symbol on your blogs sidebar.
42. Make the screen messed upTo make the screen messed up, go to the login page on the planet cazmo website. Then click FORGOT PASSWORD. Then click back. The screen will now be messed up.
43. Invisable Space Buggy in CazmonautTo have an invisable space buggy in the game cazmonaut, play the game and when the game starts, don’t do anything.
44. Nature MusicTo make the music sound like nature, log on to planet cazmo, then turn the sound on your computer all the way down. You should then he nature music.
45. Space Race 5000 tip 1 If you want to take the lead, while riding, YOU NEED to collect the lightening bolt symbols. They will give you a speed boost, and that is THE ONLY way to keep up with the other racers.
46. Space Race 5000 tip 2If you want to make a good amount of money, collect the cazmo coins while you race. As many of you know, it’s not very easy to make money in pc. You can play the race game for the purpose to make money and not to win.
47. Space Race 5000 tip 3While riding, pikc up missles to fire them at other racers. It will help ALOT.
48. Mini breakin tip Watch very closely what the cazmo dancer does. If you don’t watch closely, you won’y be able to do exactly what he did.
49. Mini breakin BEST TIP 2 Another tip is, after the first dance move, write down on a piece of paper the color of the move the dancer just did. This is a very helpful tip.
50. Make cazmo huge!To make cazmo really big, simpily adjust the zoom on your computer to something bigger. You can also make it smaller.
51. Make it so no one asks you to tradeTo do this, click on the emotions or actions toolbar on the chatbar.
52. How to find out about things that are coming soon To do this, talk to the many mods and developers that are on pc. Good mods and developers to ask are, Jeff, Bigdawg, and I think oeanna. Theres probably more. If there are just comment them.
53. Get to the other parts of the mapTo get to the other parts of the map, click the minus button on the first part of the map. This will bring you to the world part of planet cazmo. To get to the third part of the map, Click where it looks like space. You will now be in the third part, space. But it is not ready yet.
54. Slidewalk To do the slide walk, stand where Vendetta is, and click on the red dot in the pic Cheat discovered by Vendetta, and pic used from
55. Login in with 2 different cazmosLogin in as one cazmo, and then tab, and bring up planet cazmo. Then, just login as another cazmo.
56. Darkness in PCWhen it gets late on planet cazmo, It will get dark just like in real life.
57. No Servers glitchGo to the login page, and click Forgot Password. Then, right click with your cursor and click play.
58. Stand on top of a cazmoMove you cursor/mouse on a cazmo, and then press tab and click on them.
59. Map places Go to the map, and click and drag your cursor/mouse over all the places on the map. All the place names will be up.
60. Chatbox icon over mod symbolMove the chatbox over the mod symbol ( message to the moderators place) in the top left corner of your screen. The mod symbol will still be visable.
61. Stand on top of the yellow thing that supports the swingJust click on the top of it to stand on it. Heres a pic. Discovered by Soccer
62. Stand on top of the metal bar on top of the swingsTo do this, go to the playground, and click the metal bar on the top of the swings. You should be on the metal bar. You can also stand on the little yellow roof. Heres a pic Discovered by Soccer
63. Sit on the wall at the playgroundThere are someplaces on the wall, where you can click and sit on the wall. Discovered by Soccer
64. Stand on the wall at the playgroundWhere you can’t sit on the wall, you can click on it and stand on the wall. You can also walk over it to the otherside. Discovered by Soccer
65. Talk while reading the newspaperTo so this, click on the newspaper and start reading. When you want to say something in the chatbar, press tab until a green square goes around the chatbar. Then click it, and start typing. Then click enter. Discovered by Soccer
66. Stand on Benches, swings, seesaws, and SlideTo do this, click on the object twice, instead of once. Then you will bw standing on it.
67. Fly even when you’ve been hit by 3 asteroids in CazmonautWhen hitting your third asteroid go into position that I am in the picture and hold the up key. Discovered by Zavex Pic used from
Click to view
68. Make the limit one sign follow you everywhere Click on the object to use you’ve already bought and then play like normal.
69. Make it say undefined has rejected your offer to tradeAsk a cazmo to trade and then quickly enter another room.
70. Visit Other cazmos houses.To do this, click on the house icon on the chatbar. Then where it says friends houses, choose a house from the list below and click on it. Then, click visit and you will be at another cazmos house.
71. Talk while game selection is upTo do this, when you click on the games icon on the chatbar, click tab until you get a green box around the chatbatar. Then click on the chatbar, start typing and click enter. Cheat Discovered by Soccer
72. Talk while home icon is openTo do this, when you click on the home icon just click tab. When there is a green box around the chatbar, click on the chatbar and start typing. Then click enter. Cheat discovered by Soccer
73. Talk While map is upTo do this, click on the map and and click tab. When theres a green box around the chatbar, click on it. Then start typing. Finally, click enter. Cheat Discovered by Soccer
74. Talk while ‘edit your account is opened’To do this, click on edit your account and then click tab. Then, when the green box is around the chatbar, click on it and start typing. Then click enter. Cheat Discovered by Soccer
75. Get the wizard Hat To get the wizard hat, play the game alien alchemist. Then, get 50 points / coins to get the wizard hat. You won’t see anything coming up saying you won the wizard hat. Just check the hat part of your inventory, and it will be there.
76. Slide in the Post Office Double click when entering the post office. Then, You will automatically slide to the left. Discovered by Soccer
77. Make Your Shoes any color you want I will release this soon.
78. Slide on your but/ walk while sitting down To do this, start walking, then with the actions icon already open, click site. You will then be sliding on your but. Discovered by Soccer. Fixed
79. Be a distance from your name To do this, go to the lake, then to the sand. Continute to but slide into the water and out. Each time, you will get a little bit further form your name. FIXED
80. Block Trade Requests 2. Go to edit your account, the dimond thing on the chatbar. Then, click block trade requests.
81. Block Buddie Requests To do this, click edit your account, the diamond on the chatbar. Then, click block buddie requests.
82. Get to the shops easily To get to the shops easily, just click the shop icon on the chatbar. Then, you can get to all the shops.
83. Go to Space To go to space, buy a hovercar / spaceship at the garage. There are only two that cost coins. The rest cost cazmo cash.
84. Go to space with out paying for cazmo cash To do this, go to the garage and buy one of the two hovercars / spaceships that cost coins instead of cazmo cash.
85. Sign up for cazmo of the week To do this, go to the inside of the post office, and talk to the bird thats inside. Click on him and click that you want to sign up to be cazmo of the week. (Note you can only sign up once per week, possibly only once ever!)
86. Start a Quest To start a quest, click on the owl outside of the post office and tell him that you want to help find the missing items. Your quest will then start. Click on the “Q” symbol in the upper left corner to see what items you need to find. When you finish a quest, go back to the owl to claim your prize. Then go to a another room. Then come back to start the next quest. Go to the complete guide to quests page for help with quests.
87. Find any of yout buddies that are online To do this, click on a buddie thats online in your buddie list, and then click find. If you want, you can go directly to him/her from there.
88. Read the Cazmo News Paper while not on planet cazmo To do this, go to (note: Might now work
89. Get the wizard Costume To get the wizard costume, finish all the quests, and the owl will give it to you.
90. Secret If you finish all of the quests and do them over again, you will get 50 coins each time you finish from the owl.
91. Walk under the blue space ship at the Space Port To do this, click where I am in the pic. ( Note: It may take a while to get it to work. If you need help, comment below, and I will help you.) Discovered by Soccer

92. Get to Phillepe and Pierre’s House Way 1 The easiest way to get to their house is, when you first login and come to the planet, theres a thing that shows you “Whats Cool” look down the list, until you find it. Then, click it!
93. Get to Phillepe and Pierre’s House Way 2 To get to there house a second way, click on the houses icon on the chatbar. Then click star houses, and you will be taken to there house.
94. Report Other Cazmos To report cazmos to moderators, click on their player cards and click report.
95. Good Place for funny pics A good place for funny pics is…… the dinner. There’s endless possibilities. LOL
96. Help Planet Cazmo “You” can help planet cazmo by: advertising it on gaming, and virtualworlds sites. Be kind to everyone. Tell all your friends, family, and neighbors about planet cazmo. Tell people who want to play a new virtualworld about planet cazmo. Theres alot more ways “YOU” can help PC.
97. Buy skateboards Go to the skateshop on the cazmo map. Then, go inside the skateshop, or click on the cat. You can also get there by going to the shop icon on the chatbar, and clicking on the skateshop.
98. Buy Clothes Go to the mall on the cazmo map. Then, click on the panda, or go inside the clothing shop. You can also get to it by clicking on the shop icon on the chatbar, and clicking on the clothing shop.
99. By New Hair and Hats Go to the mall on the cazmo map. Then, click on the hippo thing, or go inside the clothing shop. You can also get to it by clicking on the shop icon on the chatbar, and clicking the hair shop.
100. Buy a spaceship / rocket / hovercar Go to the garage on the cazmo map. Then, click on the animal standing outside of it, or go inside the garage. You can also get to it by clicking the shop icon on the chatbar and clicking buy spaceships.
101. Be half naked ( Nasty) To be naked, where the “hip zip” pants, and spin.
102. Be even more naked (nasty also) Coming soon
103. Stand on the tables at the dinner To stand on the tables at the dinner, double click them, and you should be standing on them.
104. Glowing Cazmo To make any cazmo glow go over them wiht the cursor then hold the left mouse button for at least 5 seconds move it still holding it then let go and they will be glowing whereever they go untill they leave to room or if you lcik some where else.
105. Name behind a Rock Glitch To get your name covered by a rock, at the beach, go to a rock and try to walk on it from behind the rock. It does not always work. It may depend on which rock you try. If you need help, comment because this glitch is confusing. I’ll post a picture soon. Discovered by Soccer
106. Stand inside a rock Glitch To stand inside a rock, go to the island with the the 2 trees at the beach tile, and then go to the third rock from the left tree. Then, from the island, click on the rock, and go a litte bit out. Then, you will be inside the rock, with water ripples around you. Heres a pic.